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作者 / 陳堯銘
華盛頓特區的經濟來源裡,居首位的是聯邦政府的撥款,對國民生產總值(GDP)的貢獻率達三成。專業性產業和商業居於其次,對GDP的貢獻率達近三成。 身為美國的政治中心,華盛頓特區的許多經濟元素都與政務需求相關聯,此外,聯邦政府有大量的外包業務需要民間企業參與,這帶動了法律服務、金融服務、資訊服務、科技服務等多個產業的發展。 繼續閱讀
  Washington, D.C
The top financial resource of Washington, D.C. is the federal funding, which contributes 30% of the GDP. Professional industries and businesses are the next, and they contribute nearly 30% of the GDP. As the political center of the United States, many economic elements of Washington, D.C. are related to government demands. In addition, the federal government has a large number of outsourcing businesses that require the participation of private enterprises, driving the development of multiple industries such as legal services, financial services, information services, and technology services. full article
2018 Q2 房產市場概要
2018 Q2 Property Market Overview
According to data released by the Department of Land Administration, building ownership transfers cumulate to 103,400 units in the first half year in the six special municipalities, which is an YoY increase of 4.8%, among which Taipei City and Tainan City gains roughly 15% growth as compared with the same period last year. full report
  Washington, D.C
Washington, D.C., capital city of the United States, is a special area in the country. Unlike other cities, it is not affiliated with any state and is an independent region directly governed by the US Congress. Since it is the capital city of the U.S., many embassies in the country and most of the federal government agencies are stationed here. In addition to the significant value in politics and diplomacy, Washington, D.C. is also home to the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and other institutions. It is one of the wealthiest region in the United States, with the highest per capita income and a high concentration of wealth. Furthermore, there are quite a few cultural institutions in Washington, D.C., including many museums and cultural sites, such as the Washington Monument, and it is one of the major performing centers in the United States, making Washington, D.C. a well-functioning capital.
美國國家航空和航天博物館成立於1946年,並於1976年對外開放。館如其名,展覽的皆是與航空或太空相關的模型及物品,且大多數展出的機械都是原件,而博物館內也展出了世界知名的阿波羅11號指揮艙和萊特兄弟的飛機。除了展覽外,國家航空和航天博物館也是重要的研究中心,研究內容包括航空和航天的歷史及科學、行星科學以及地質和地球物理學等。每年,博物館都會吸引來自世界各地的遊客前來參觀其精彩的藏品,尤其是熱愛航空及航太的旅客。 2016年時,博物館約有750萬名遊客,是世界上客戶到訪量排名第三的博物館,更是美國到訪量最大的博物館。 了解更多
  National Air and Space Museum
Established in the 1946, the National Air and Space Museum was opened in 1976. As named, the museum exhibits objects such as aircrafts or space related models. Almost all space and aircraft models on display are original, and the museum also contains the Apollo 11 command module and the Wright brothers’ plane. In addition to its exhibitions, the National Air and Space Museum is also a center for research, such as studies of the history and science of aviation and spaceflight, planetary science, and terrestrial geology and geophysics. Each year, the museum attracts visitors from all over the world, especially air and space fanatics, to visit its great collection. In the year 2016, the museum had about 7.5 million visitors, being the third most visited museum in the world, and is definitely the most visited museum in the United States. more
華盛頓紀念碑無疑是華盛頓特區內除了白宮以外最有代表性的地標,同時也是世界上最高的石製建築。華盛頓紀念碑主要是為了紀念喬治.華盛頓對美國所作的貢獻,不論是軍事或政治,他對美國建國功不可沒。身為美國第一任總統,華盛頓為後來接任的總統樹立了標竿。華盛頓紀念碑矗立在以他命名的城市之上,提醒著人們他的偉大事蹟,且如同他於美國的存在一般。1833年時,美國國會通過此建案,施工的費用由民眾捐贈,每人最多捐一美元,但後因經費不足而停擺,於1876年再度復工。1884年竣工並於四年後開放參觀,其內牆鑲嵌著188塊由全球各地捐贈的紀念石。 了解更多
  Washington Monument
The Washington Monument is undoubtedly the most representative landmark in Washington, D.C., other than the White House, and is the tallest stone building in the world. The Washington Monument was built to commemorate George Washington’s contribution to the United States, both military and political. George Washington is indispensable for the founding of the United States and as the first president of the U.S., Washington set the standard for the later presidents. The Washington Monument stands above the city named after him, reminding people of his great deeds, and like his presence in the history of the U.S., this monument stands in no one’s shadow. In 1833, the U.S. Congress passed the construction of the monument, whose cost was donated by the people, and each was allowed to donate no more than a dollar. However, the monument was suspended due to insufficient funds and resumed work in 1876. After completion in 1884, it was finally opened four years later. more
第一次世界大戰前,戰爭藝術很多時候都是在描繪英勇的軍事領導者或將戰爭本身浪漫化,但實際上,那些畫作都是在戰爭之後、或距離戰場很遠的創作。第一次世界大戰是個明確的轉折點,透過實際參與戰爭的人們捕捉當時最真實的畫面。 了解更多
時間:2017/04/06 – 2018/11/11
Artist Soldiers: Artistic Expression in the First World War
Before World War I, war art often portrayed heroic military leader or romanticized the war itself. However, in reality, much of those paintings were created after, and far away from the battlefield. The First World War marked a turning point, with people who actually participated in the war trying to capture moments through the most realistic images. more
Time: April 6, 2017 - November 11, 2018
Place:National Air and Space Museum
李建國 James

Fronting the Dunhua S. Rd. and Renai Roundabout, the listing owns one unit per floor and all units are spacious and well-proportioned.
Jade Cascade
Planned by an internationally renowned architect, the building is adjacent to Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei Expo, hopitals and many other boutique shops.
張國斌 Mike

覃筱瑩 Alison

The Recherché
The listing is located on a higher floor and connects two units. It is close to a great school district and MRT Songjiang Nanjing Station, providing much convenience.
2435 Tracy Pl Nw
在華盛頓特區卡洛拉馬的街道上,精緻的殖民建築襯托著尊貴的住戶,此棟新喬治亞風格的獨棟別墅經過精美翻修,除了有六間臥室,更有挑高的天花板、華麗的拱門、優雅的裝飾、壁爐及高級木地板等,甚至內含寬敞的娛樂室、大型的廚房、室內電梯,以及串連廚房後花園的家庭活動空間。定居於此可與聲名顯赫的仕紳名流為鄰,亞馬遜的創始人傑佛瑞.貝佐斯、美國現任的第一女兒伊凡卡.川普,以及美國前總統歐巴馬皆是此社區的名人住戶。 聯絡我們
價格:美金 $ 5,250,000
格局:獨棟別墅 ( 6房;7.5衛 )
2435 Tracy Pl Nw
Beautifully renovated Neo-Georgian residence on one of the best streets in Kalorama. The six-bedroom home has stunning archways, elegant moldings, high ceilings, fireplaces, gorgeous wood floors, and original details throughout. There are generous entertaining rooms, a large gourmet kitchen adjoining the family room which open to the rear garden. Elevator to 4 levels. Perfect condition. Neighbor with President Obama, Jeff Bezos (The founder of Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer), Ivanka Trump (Current First daughter). Contact us
Location: Washington, D.C.
Price (USD): $ 5,250,000
Property Size: 0.11 Acre (Exterior)
Layout: Single Family Home; 6Bedrooms 7.5Bathroom
線上雜誌閱讀 full article
全球建築大師們,以一座座設計圖書館來拉近專業與大眾的距離,讓建築不再難以閱讀。 全文閱讀
  Top 10 Libraries of the Year
Presented in the article are 10 representative supercars that span two centuries and will always be a popular subject of a talk. full article
在此遴選出10款具有代表性、橫跨兩個世紀的經典超跑,只要一出場絕對會是話題焦點。 全文閱讀
  The 10 Classic Supercars of All Time
Global architects are using a well designed library to narrow the gab between profession and the public, close the distance between humans and architectures. full article
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