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美國德州 達拉斯
作者 / 呂岱諺

經濟方面,達拉斯主要以銀行業、航空業、保險業、電信業、石油工業、能源業、醫療保健、醫學研究、運輸和物流為基礎。 繼續閱讀
  Dallas, State of Texas
by David Lu / translated by Lexie Fang

The economy in Dallas is mainly made up of industries such as banking, aviation, insurance, telecommunications, petroleum, energy, healthcare, medical research, transportation and logistics. full article
台北市房地產 市場月報2020/2
全台地上權「地王」招標案來了!財政部國產署20日公告世貿三館案招標,署長曾國基表示,台北信義區世貿三館地上權案權利金底價為266.37億元、面積 4,856 坪,設定年限 70 年,可望囊括國有地上權歷年來面積最大、權利金最高、每坪單價最貴三冠王的招標紀錄。
達拉斯,做為美國西南部的商務、財政及航空中心,座落於美國德克薩斯州,為德州的第三大城市,更是美國的第九大城市。而其中的下城達拉斯區,位於達拉斯的地理中心,為重要的中央商務區和商業重鎮,像是美國電信公司 AT&T 以及泰尼特健保公司 THC 的總部均設立於此處。此外,能一覽達拉斯城市風光的重逢塔更是此區的著名景點之一,吸引全球的旅人前往飽覽美國的西岸城市風光。
  Downtown Dallas
Dallas, as the business, financial, and aviation center of the southwestern United States, is the third largest city in Texas as well as the ninth largest city in the United States. The Downtown Dallas, located in the geographic center of Dallas, is the important central business district (CBD) as the headquarters of AT&T and THC are all located in this area. In addition, the Reunion Tower, which has a glimpse of Dallas's city scenery, is one of the famous attractions, attracting travelers from all over the world to enjoy the famous West Coast city scenery in the United States.
先鋒廣場以世界上最大的鑄銅雕塑聞名,而此名為《拓荒者》的群雕,為三個牛仔趕著 40 頭長角牛上市集的作品。不僅每頭牛的形狀各異、擁有不同的生動表情,所有牛仔和長角牛的大小更是真實的人和牛的 1.5 倍,栩栩如生呈現美國西部牛仔的生活風貌,也紀念當初來到此區域的墾荒者。而所有的雕塑也使整座廣場展現出磅礡的氣勢,更顯現了美國牛仔的堅韌及冒險精神。
  Pioneer Plaza
Pioneer Plaza is famous for the world's largest bronze sculptures, and this group of sculptures called the Pioneer, is a work of three cowboys driving 40 longhorn cows to the market. Each cow has a different shape and vivid expression. Also, all cowboys and longhorn cows are 1.5 times the size of real people and cows, vividly reflecting cowboys’ lifestyle in the western United States, and commemorating those who came to this area to cultivate the land. And all the sculptures make the plaza show a magnificent momentum as well as the tough and adventurous spirit of American cowboys. more
重逢塔,又稱為團圓塔或團聚塔,是達拉斯最醒目及重要的天際線地標。5層樓高的玻璃帷幕柱型建築,不只充滿現代感也展現了科技感,而設置在建築頂端的網格狀玻璃球,更以外圍的 259 盞 LED 燈,成為達拉斯最宏偉的夜景景觀。不論旅人在達拉斯的何處,均能觀賞此隨著光線變化而閃閃發亮的建物,更可以登上建築內的景觀台--GeO-Deck,欣賞達拉斯360度的城市美景。 了解更多
  Reunion Tower
The Reunion Tower is the most prominent and important skyline landmark in Dallas. The 5-storey column-shaped building with the facing wall made up of glass panels displays not only a sense of modernity but also technology. The globe at the building's top is illuminated with 259 custom LED fixtures, becoming Dallas' most magnificent night view. No matter where the traveler is in Dallas, they can see this building shining with the change of lights. Travelers can also go to the observation level, GeO-Deck, to enjoy the 360 degree view of the city. more
Speechless: Different by Design
Speechless: Different by Design,為一互動參與性的展覽,由藝術設計師、學者和科學家共同打造。在此展覽的環境中,參觀者的感官可以相互融合或替代,例如,聲音將變得可見,語言將變得可觸,並且能以新穎而非常規的方式與周圍環境互動。此外,觀覽者更能於欣賞作品的同時,透過非語言的溝通,探索全新面向的交流方式。 了解更多
時間:2019/11/10 - 2020/3/22
Speechless: Different by Design
"Speechless: Different by Design" is an interactive exhibition. The exhibition room will create participatory environments in which senses are merged or substituted for one another—for instance, sound will become visible and language will become tactile—so that visitors can engage with their surroundings in new and unconventional ways. Also, viewers can discover new perspectives through communications beyond speech and words. more
Time: Nov. 10th, 2019 - Mar. 22nd, 2020
Place: The Dallas Museum of Art
彭子健 Ken
仁愛路二段臨沂靜巷內,165坪獨棟別墅,高度珍稀,保值增值。獨享私密宴客會所, 酒吧視聽劇院、戶外水景、頂樓書房花園。
The Honeycomb House
Located at the Ren’ai road, the building has 6 levels with spacious indoor capacity, theater with bar, and a rooftop garden.
呂東洋 Bob
The Mall Casa
One unit per floor with 3.6m tall ceiling, square layout and exquisitely designed interior. Near Daan and Dunnan business centre.
吳英才 Bill
陽明山 無敵美景 電梯美墅
群山環繞,綠意盎然 。方正採光佳,通風良好。優雅寧靜社區,24小時管理完善,安全無慮,居民素質佳。
YMS Landscape Villa
Features mass greenery, 24hr management, superb lighting and ventilation. The listing also provides satisfying living quality.
  HALL Arts Residences
HALL Arts Residences offers the perfect blend of art and living with an exclusive collection of 48 luxury homes in the heart of the Dallas Arts District. Opening in spring 2020, the 28-story tower is thoughtfully designed to provide the most sophisticated living experience within the most carefully engineered residential building in the city. With surrounding views of Pritzker Prize-winning architecture, such as the Winspear Opera House and Wyly Theatre, HALL Arts Residences is a unique opportunity to reside in the cultural center of Dallas. Contact us
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  Is Diamond Still Forever?
Despite the concept that “rare things are precious”, will oversupply and artificial diamonds disrupt the diamond market? full article
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With the rise of global open data and data technology, the era of open banking is coming! full article
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