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  Toronto, Canada
by David Lu / translated by Lexie Fang
Toronto holds the honor of being the most multicultural city in the world as there are more than 100 different ethnicities among its residents. Additionally, approximately 50% of Toronto's population comes from abroad, meaning that half of its residents are immigrants. full article
台北市房地產 市場月報2020/6
  North York
North York, located in the northern part of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, is the most active area for young people in Toronto and the most densely populated region with different kinds of stores. The most prosperous and commercial area of ​​North York is where the Younge Street situated, once recognized as the longest street in the world by the Guinness Book of World Records. In addition, this area is also home to major internationally renowned enterprises, such as Procter & Gamble, Nestlé, and the Canadian headquarters of McDonald’s restaurants, bringing a lot of employment opportunities.
和煦的陽光輕輕灑落在老式紅磚路上,維多利亞時期的哥德式建築,彷彿依然散發著上個世紀的濃郁酒香,而老派經典的釀酒廠房,如今搖身一變,成為了特色酒吧、餐館、藝廊和咖啡廳的最新秘密駐點。曾為全世界最大釀酒廠-古釀酒廠區,位於多倫多市中心東南方,經過2003年的改建,成為了多倫多最重要的藝術文化中心以及國家遺產保護區,更是著名的好萊塢電影取景地,吸引全球旅客在此流連忘返。 了解更多
  The Distillery Historic District
The warm sunlight lightly sheds on the old-fashioned red brick road; the Victorian Gothic architecture still seems to exude the aroma of the last century; and the old-school classic breweries have transformed into special bars, restaurants, art galleries, and coffee shops. The Distillery Historic District, once the biggest brewery in the world, is located in the southeast of downtown Toronto. After the reconstruction in 2003, it has become the most important art and cultural center, the national heritage reserve in Toronto and also a famous shooting spot for Hollywood movies, attracting travelers from all over the world. more
安省遊樂宮 (安大略廣場)
安省遊樂宮,坐落於安大略湖畔的三個人工島,為多倫多著名的休閒娛樂中心,不僅有水上遊樂園、超大型迷宮、戶外劇場和私人宴會場所等,其最著名的設施便是有如超大型高爾夫球的球形影院,內部共六層樓高,也為世界上第一個永久性的 IMAX 影院。每當夜幕低垂,影院帷幕上的燈點亮,更成為多倫多數一數二著名的燈飾,是大人小孩都傾心的重要景點。 了解更多
  Ontario Place
Ontario Place, located on three artificial landscaped islands just off-shore in Lake Ontario, is Toronto’s famous leisure and entertainment center. It features an aquatic park, an oversized labyrinth, outdoor theaters, and private banquet venues. Also, its most famous facility, the world's first permanent IMAX movie theatre, is a 35 metres ( 115 ft ) wide triodetic-domed structure, akin to a geodesic dome with a total of six floors inside. When the night falls and the lights on the theatre's curtain turn on, it also becomes one of the best-known lighting fixtures in Toronto, attracting both adults and children. more
今年即將邁入第32屆的國際沙灘爵士節,可說是加拿大最盛大的免費爵士音樂節之一,也是多倫多夏季最重要及最受歡迎的音樂節慶,除了著名爵士樂手的表演,更是許多新興音樂藝術家的重要舞台。今年因受疫情影響,將改為線上 LIVE 直播表演的模式呈現,並加入工作坊、互動課程以及大師講座等內容,邀請全球的爵士樂迷共襄盛舉。 了解更多
時間:2020/7/17 - 2020/7/26
Beaches Jazz Festival
Entering the 32nd anniversary this year, the Beaches Jazz Festival is not only one of the largest free jazz festivals in Canada but also the most important and popular music festival in Toronto in summer. In addition to the performances by famous jazz musicians, it is an crucial stage for many emerging music artists. Due to the impact of COVID-19 this year, the festival will be changed to the online virtual performance mode, and workshops, interactive courses as well as masterclasses will be added, inviting jazz fans from all over the world to join in the celebration. more
Time: July 17th, 2020 - July 26th, 2020
Place: Beaches Jazz Festival Official Website & Social Media
吳英才 Bill
Taipei Palace
Fronts a large park and is close to the Regent Hotel. Consists of 24hr management system with elegant lobby, and sufficient lighting.
彭子健 Ken
仁愛路二段臨沂靜巷內,165坪獨棟別墅,高度珍稀,保值增值。獨享私密宴客會所, 酒吧視聽劇院、戶外水景、頂樓書房花園。
The Honeycomb House
Located at the Ren’ai road, the building has 6 levels with spacious indoor capacity, theater with bar, and a rooftop garden.
呂東洋 Bob
Neoteric Boutique Heights
Fronting the Da'an Forest Park, the listing features a waterfall-like exterior decoration and a treetop scenery, offering a great view.
Chelster Hall
Chelster Hall ,一個擁有濃厚西方鄉村風情的獨棟豪宅項目,共佔地43,850平方英尺,坐落在10英畝的草坪和花園上。面對安大略湖畔、毗鄰多倫多金融區和國際機場,Chelster Hall 更是正式商務娛樂和非凡家庭住宅的首選。它的公共設施涵蓋地窖、網球場、室內和室外游泳池,更提供有能降落直升機的大片空地、專屬的管家住所、警衛辦公室,以及能提供居民停放汽車的12個地下停車場車位,為您帶來世界一流的頂級生活。了解更多
  Chelster Hall
Chelster Hall is a magnificent 43,850 square foot English country mansion set on 10 acres of lawns and gardens, directly on Lake Ontario waterfront and within reach of Toronto’s financial district and the international airport. It’s also an irreplaceable trophy property of the highest order for both formal business entertaining & extraordinary family gatherings. It amenities include cellars, tennis, indoor and outdoor pools. It also features the ability to land a helicopter on the grounds, private chapel for family weddings, completely independent housekeeper’s residence, gate house security with office, and 12 car underground parking facility to house your automotive collection. more
線上雜誌閱讀 full article
《全球最佳餐廳2019》榜單中,位於法國蔚藍海岸的 Mirazur 為第一家贏得冠軍廚房的法國餐廳。 全文閱讀
  World’s Best Restaurant
Mirazur on the French Riviera is the first French restaurant to win the championship of "The World’s Best Restaurant 2019". full article
拓展版圖的腳步絕不停歇,LVMH 靠「併購」兩字成為全球最大的奢侈品集團。 全文閱讀
  Building the Luxury Empire by Acquisition
Never stop business expansion, LVMH has become the world's largest luxury empire by acquisition. full article
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