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買家的購屋類型也發生改變,2022 年多數客戶偏好大型家庭房屋,今年則對於頂級公寓興致高昂,且有許多現金買家,正準備在今年下半年持續進場購屋。
英國房地產網站數據顯示,今年 10 月的英國房價漲幅約 0.5%,增幅比往年 10 月平均水平 1.4% 略低,是自 2008 年以來,10 月份最低增幅。緩漲的房價,亦驅使英國賣家開價更為務實。當地房地產業者表示:「超級富豪受通膨、升息和政治不確定性引起的經濟漣漪影響程度低」,當發現開價下降,「明智的投資者就知道這是進場的正確時機」。 繼續閱讀
Super-Rich Return to London's Prime Property Market
According to a report from a commercial real estate consulting firm, it is noted that there has been a shift in the types of properties buyers are seeking. In 2022, the majority of clients preferred large family homes, while this year there is heightened enthusiasm for top-tier apartments. Additionally, there is a notable presence of cash buyers, with many preparing to continue entering the housing market in the second half of this year.
Based on the data from a UK property website, the growth rate of UK house prices in October this year is approximately 0.5%, slightly lower than the average October level of 1.4% in previous years. This marks the lowest October increase since 2008. The gradual increase in property prices is also prompting sellers in the UK to adopt more realistic pricing strategies. A local real estate agency states, ''Ultra-high-net-worth individuals are less affected by economic ripples caused by inflation, interest rate hikes, and political uncertainty.'' When they observe a decline in listing prices, ''wise investors'' recognize it as the opportune moment to enter the market. full article
全球亮點話題商場 - 古老與現代相遇
位於倫敦 Borough Market 與泰晤士河間的 Borough Yards 購物街區,不僅復興了當地的中世紀街道格局,並且活化原有的高架鐵道結構,重整出市集到河岸間流暢的移動路線,將古老的歷史記憶、工業遺產和當代建築融合,交織出新舊交會、實現文化復興的商圈魅力。了解更多
The shopping district of Borough Yards, located between Borough Market and the River Thames in London, not only revitalizes the medieval street layout of the area but also reinvigorates the existing elevated railway structures. It reorganizes a smooth pathway from the market to the riverside, seamlessly integrating the ancient historical memories, industrial heritage, and contemporary architecture. The result is a captivating business district where the old and new intersect, achieving the charm of cultural revival. more
GUCCI 第一間旅行世界專門店
位於巴黎凡登廣場和杜樂麗花園間的 Gucci Valigeria,是 Gucci 所開設的第一間「旅行世界專門店」。
Gucci Valigeria 除了特別以歐洲美好年代 ( Belle Époque,意指 1880 年至一戰間, 被上流階級視為社會和平發展的黃金時期) 的奢華旅行風情為設計靈感,並且以細膩的裝飾風格,打造出彷彿復古火車車廂般的店內空間,以優雅的情境氛圍,引領人們再次感受美好年代的旅行生活。
而 Gucci Valigeria 同時也傳達著 Gucci 在旅行世界中找到自己的品牌緣起。19 世紀末,年少的 Guccio Gucci 先生來到倫敦,並在著名的 The Savoy 飯店擔任門僮。在那裡,Guccio 先生認識到了旅行的魔力,並且深深體會到旅行不僅是對於未知的探索與追求,更是串聯文化的橋梁。 了解更多
Located between Place Vendôme and Tuileries Garden in Paris, Gucci Valigeria is the first " World of Travel " specialty store opened by Gucci.
Inspired by the luxurious travel aesthetics of the Belle Époque era in Europe ( referring to the golden period between 1880 and World War I, considered a time of social and peaceful development by the upper class ), Gucci Valigeria intricately designs its space with a decor reminiscent of vintage train compartments. more
在北愛爾安特里姆郡的一個農場上出生長大的 Clare Smyth,從小就習於與馬鈴薯、紅蘿蔔等樸質農作物打交道,並且直到現在,像馬鈴薯這樣平凡的食材,依舊是她的最愛。Clare Smyth 也時常將不少廚師棄而不用的蔬菜部位,拿來創作料理,像是馬鈴薯皮、胡蘿蔔葉等。她認為完美的料理應該懷抱著謙遜的心意,因此她不僅著重使用在地食材、支持永續發展,並且擅長以看似平凡的食材,烹調出美味而優雅的精緻高級料理。 了解更多
Clare Smyth, who was born and raised on a farm in County Antrim, Northern Ireland, has been accustomed to working with vegetable parts, often discarded by many chefs, to create dishes, such as potato skins and carrot tops. She believes that perfect cuisine should embrace a humble spirit. Thus, she not only emphasizes the use of local ingredients and supports sustainable development but also excels at transforming seemingly ordinary ingredients into delicious and elegantly refined gourmet dishes. more
吳英才 Bill
大直宜華 西華富邦
台北最高飯店式豪宅,基地面積 7,633 坪,遼闊且完整,「宜華國際大直旅館開發案」,共有 4 幢主要建物。
The Sherwood Residence
Built by Yihua International Dazhi Hotel Development, the Sherwood Residence is the tallest serviced apartment development in Taipei.
蔡吉政 Freeman
Guandu Landscape Mansion
The community villa with private garage and indoor elevator is safe and quiet. The residence overlooks the beautiful Guan Yin Mountain and Danshui River.
李建國 James
故宮外雙溪,24 小時警衛高級平地別墅社區。雙層透天風格,前後庭院車庫。仕紳名流社區,珍稀物件釋出。
Zhishan Garden Villa
Located near the National Palace Museum and featuring 24/7 security, this is a two-story villa with front and rear courtyards as well as garages.
全新一期河畔水岸住宅 Palmer House,由聖喬治公司 (St George) 開發的「富勒姆景灣」(Fulham Reach) 座落在風景如畫、歷史悠久的泰晤士河畔,整個開發項目佔地面積 7.25 英畝,擁有 150 米河畔水景,一河之隔便是國家二級保護建築「哈羅德家俱大樓」,遠眺標誌性的「漢默史密斯大橋」,更是臨近舉世聞名的牛津 - 劍橋划艇比賽的最佳觀賞地點!
「富勒姆景灣」曾獲得 2016 年最佳綜合開發項目 (Best Mixed Development) 的殊榮。貫穿社區內部的美麗花園與河畔步道相結合,打造出繁忙都市之外的寧靜居住空間,配備各種豐富宜人的休閒設備,包括游泳池、虛擬高爾夫球模擬器、先進的健身房和可以幫助居民放鬆身心的水療中心。此外,社區內更擁有各式餐廳和咖啡廳,生活機能極其便利。高端的社區規劃、便利的地段、卓越的教育資源,使富勒姆景灣吸引了眾多倫敦中產家庭到此定居,成為休閒和享受泰晤士河美麗景色的理想居所。了解更多
Fulham Reach Palmer House
The latest phase Fulham Reach Palmer House, developed by St George, is located on the banks of the picturesque and historic - Thames River. The entire development covers an area of ​​7.25 acres with a 150-meter riverside feature. On the other side of the river is the Harrods Furniture Depository, a state-level protected building. The project overlooks the iconic Hammersmith Bridge, and is the best place to watch the world-famous Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race!
Fulham Reach was awarded the Best Mixed Development in 2016. The combination of beautiful gardens and riverside walkways throughout the community creates a tranquil living space outside of the busy city, with a variety of leisure facilities, including a swimming pool, virtual golf room, fully equipped gym, and a relaxing private treatment room and spa. In addition, the community has a variety of restaurants and cafes, providing much living functions and convenience. Its high-end community planning, convenient location, and excellent educational resources make Fulham Reach attractive to many London middle-class families and attracting them to settle here, and it has became an ideal place to relax and enjoy the beautiful views of the Thames. more
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