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作者 / Andy Chen
巴黎2024年奧運將促進法國旅遊業的發展與繁榮,也助力法國房產持續不斷升溫升值,近期投資法國也會是一個很好的目標選項。 繼續閱讀 |
Paris, France
Translated by Viviane / Brooke
The Paris 2024 Olympic Games will not only boost the development and prosperity of the French tourism industry, but also help the French real estate market continue to rise. Investing in France is a good option in the foreseeable future. full article |
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台北市房地產 市場月報 2022/12
美國聯準會(Fed)聯邦公開市場委員會(FOMC)2日會議決定第四度升息3碼,聯邦基金利率終於見到4字頭,此舉完全符合各界預期。這次會議所傳達出的重要訊息,就是 Fed 政策操作不再聚焦於提高利率的「速度」,而是最終利率的「高度」;拉長升息的時間,擴大升息的空間。這意味著接下來利率的升幅可能由3碼縮小到2碼,但最終利率卻可能達到5%,甚至更高。 繼續閱讀 |
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位於塞納河左岸的巴黎十五區,是巴黎人口最多的地區,與六區、十四區共同比鄰蒙帕納斯區。巴黎最高的蒙帕納斯大樓和鄰近的蒙帕納斯站也都位於十五區內,該區為適合家庭定居的住宅區,且獨具特色,包括擁有非凡歷史的古蹟、博物館、劇院和表演場所、可以運動和呼吸新鮮空氣的大公園、常綠的林蔭大道和可供漫步的街道、社區商店和滿足您需求的大型購物中心。 |
The 15th arr.
The 15th arrondissement is the most populated district in the city and is located on the River Gauche or left bank of the Seine. It shares the Montparnasse neighborhood with the 6th and 14th arrondissements. Paris' tallest building, Tour Montparnasse, and the neighbouring Gare Montparnasse is also located in the 15th arrondissement. The district is a residential and family-friendly neighborhood with many appealing features, including a phenomenal heritage, museums, theaters, and performance spaces, big parks where you can play sports and get some fresh air, ever-greener avenues and streets to stroll along, neighborhood shops, and a large shopping center for your needs. |
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布德爾博物館是雕塑家羅丹的學生安托萬·布德爾居住了45年的住所兼工作室,該博物館開放免費參觀,館內陳列許多布德爾的大型雕塑作品以及梵谷、羅丹等藝術家的古董、圖畫、素描和油畫。儘管博物館在大部分的翻修期間都有對外開放,但在經過為期兩年的翻修工程以維護這個古老建築物後,博物館將於三月全面重新開幕。巴黎博物館協會表示,該翻修工程是在最大程度尊重該地區建築歷史的情況下完成的。了解更多 |
Bourdelle Museum
Bourdelle Museum is the 45-year residence and workspace of Rodin's former student Antoine Bourdelle. The museum is free to explore and is filled with large-scale sculptures by Bourdelle as well as vintage items, pictures, sketches, and paintings by artists like Van Gogh and Rodin. The museum will fully reopen in mid-March following two years of work to safeguard its oldest building, which has been open throughout the majority of the construction. According to Paris Musées, the construction was done with the utmost regard for the region's architectural history. more |
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比爾哈凱姆橋,舊稱帕西橋,橫跨巴黎塞納河,並連接十五區和十六區。2010年時,這座橋上發生了一件神奇的事,克里斯多福·諾蘭與李奧納多·狄卡皮歐、艾倫·佩姬、喬瑟夫·高登-李維等劇組成員一起前來此處為知名電影《全面啟動》取景。這座雙層結構橋樑上層的高架橋提供地鐵一個露天的空間,而地面層則允許機動車、腳踏車和行人通過。 |
Pont de Bir-Hakeim
The Pont de Bir-Hakeim, previously known as the Pont de Passy (Bridge of Passy), crosses the River Seine in Paris and connects the 15th and 16th arrondissements. In 2010, something magical happened on this bridge. Christopher Nolan arrived with his crew, including Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Page and Joseph Gordon-Levitt to film the famous Inception movie. The open-air section of the metro is accommodated by this double-decker bridge, and the ground-level section of the bridge allows passage for motorized vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians. |
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2023-2024秋冬男裝時裝秀將於2023年1月回歸。2023年的首發時裝周將再度回到法國首都巴黎,如往常一樣,這次的時裝周也將由男裝來打頭陣。在為期一週的時間內,最優秀的時裝屋和年輕設計師將按照現場和線上秀的節奏展示他們的成衣系列。巴黎高級訂製時裝周也是 Chanel、Dior 等法國品牌和其他品牌如 Valentino、Schiaparelli 的秀場。請一定要在2023年1月17日至21日期間前往巴黎,欣賞國際模特兒和網紅的最佳街頭風格,並一窺這個時尚宇宙。 了解更多 |
Paris Fashion Week
Men’s Fall / Winter 2023-2024 fashion show returns in January of 2023. The Fashion Week returns to the French capital city for the first edition of 2023, and as usual, menswear fashion kicks things off. For a week, the greatest houses and young designers present their ready-to-wear collections to the rhythm of onsite and digital shows. Paris Haute Couture is also home to French Maisons such as Chanel, and Dior, but also to Valentino, and Schiaparelli. Be sure to be in Paris from January 17th – 21st, 2023 to check out the best street style from international models and influencers, and get a glimpse into the fashion universe. more |
Little Red Door
您將會透過一扇紅色的門進入這間好客的國際化酒吧,它位於迷人的巴黎瑪黑區,且十多年來一直名列在世界50大最佳餐廳中。它能夠長期受到饕客們歡迎的關鍵就是它不拘泥於特定形式的創造力,Little Red Door 從未停止探索雞尾酒以及其呈現給遊客的方式。透過他們最新的菜單 Flourish,酒吧的現任調酒師 Alex Francis 和 Barney O'Kane 將持續傳遞這名為「創新」的火炬。 了解更多 |
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地點:60 Rue Charlot, 75003 Paris
Little Red Door
This welcoming cosmopolitan bar is entered through a red door in the charming Marais neighborhood of Paris, and it has been a part of The World's 50 Best Bars for over a decade. The key to its longevity is creativity rather than conservatism. Little Red Door has never ceased exploring cocktail traditions and how they are presented to visitors. With its most recent menu, Flourish, the bar's current drinksmiths, Alex Francis and Barney O'Kane, continue to carry the torch for innovation. more |
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Address: 60 Rue Charlot, 75003 Paris |
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羅治麟 Patrick
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近世貿中心、101大樓、新光三越、華納威秀生活圈,一層一戶住戶單純隱私性高,格局方正雙主臥採光佳,臨近捷運象山公園。 |
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Pacific Caesar
Near the World Trade Center, Taipei 101, Shin Kong Mitsukoshi, Vieshow Cinemas, and Elephant Mountain MRT station. The unit has 2 master bedrooms. |
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彭子健 Ken
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獨享私密宴客會所,酒吧視聽劇院、戶外水景、和頂樓書房花園。位於仁愛路二段臨沂靜巷內,165 坪獨棟別墅,高度珍稀。 |
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The Honeycomb House
Located at Ren'ai road, the building has 6 levels with spacious indoor capacity, theater with bar, and a rooftop garden. |
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楊光明 Dean
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近110度遼闊景觀俯視大山大水、平視遠山海景,單層 90坪,大戶規格,近300坪庭園、標準泳池、車庫。 |
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Yande Manor
Property overlooks mountains and rivers. 90 ping per floor, perfect for a big family. Includes a 300 ping yard, swimming pool, and car garage. |
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由法國建築師 Léon Doboin 設計的 Scène des Loges 鐵塔豪苑位於巴黎十五區的中心地點,是一棟八層樓建築,房型規劃 1-5 房的開發項目。從公寓步行即可到達巴黎地標艾菲爾鐵塔及塞納河,帶有陽台,開放露台及花園的房型,在家即可享有城市景觀及水岸河景的絕佳視野。近地鐵6號線 Bir-Hakeim 站,方便前往附近大學,購物中心及市場等,生活機能便利,入住小巴黎的絕佳地點,享受終日沉浸於法蘭西人文風情的獨特體驗。 了解更多 |
Scène des Loges
Designed by architect Léon Doboin, Scène des Loges is an iconic location in the 15th arrondissement. The views are breathtaking of the Eiffel Tower and the Seine. La Scène des Loges is an 8-storey development with 1-5 bedroom units, thus unveils exceptional apartments, duplexes and lofts, some of which are extended by balconies, terraces and winter gardens with spectacular views of Paris. Famous landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower are only minutes away by foot. The development also has convenient access to Bir-Hakeim metro station, educational institutions, as well as shopping malls and markets. Live a unique experience in the heart of the most unique address in Paris and take a unique look at the City of Light. more |
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以「快時尚」扭轉時尚產業規則的 Zara 隸屬於西班牙 Inditex 集團,從1975年創立至今即將滿50週年,今年4月上任的 Marta Ortega Pérez 是否能為品牌再度鍍金? 全文閱讀 |
Marta Ortega Pérez
Zara, belongs to the Spanish Inditex Group. It was founded in 1975 and is about to celebrate its 50th anniversary. Can Marta Ortega Pérez be able to build the brand again? full article |
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IT 產業雲集的美國加州矽谷山坡上,建築師 Craig Steely 以漂浮在樹冠上的玻璃盒為設計概念,將房子建在茂密樹林中,為科技新貴創造出備感舒適的宅邸。 全文閱讀 |
Technology Mix Nature
On the slopes of Silicon Valley, California, architect Craig Steely took the glass box floating on the treetop as the design concept, and built a house in the forest, creating a comfortable residence for the upstarts of technology. full article |
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