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自 30 多年前的房地產泡沫破裂以來,日本經濟長期處於低迷。然而,今年以來,日本從股市、房市、日圓等,都是投資圈的鎂光燈焦點。投資大亨華倫·巴菲特( Warren Buffett )去年訪日引起旋風,連帶吸引國際資金湧入。近年的日本房地產更是表現亮眼,根據日本土地研究所( Japan Land Institute )的數據顯示,日本全國住宅價格指數已連續 4 年上漲,去年漲幅達到 7.5%。 繼續閱讀 |
Rising Domestic and International Demand Illuminates Japan's Luxury Real Estate Market
Since the real estate bubble burst over 30 years ago, the Japanese economy has been in a prolonged slump. However, this year Japan has been in the spotlight for investors, focusing on the stock market, real estate market, and the Yen currency. The visit of investment mogul, Warren Buffett, to Japan last year created a stir and attracted international funds. Japanese real estate, in recent years, has shown impressive performance. According to the data from the Japan Land Institute, Japan's national residential price index has been rising continuously for four years, with a 7.5% increase last year. full article |
創意旅宿 - 與自然同住
位於沖繩石垣島的 Not A Hotel Ishigaki,是日本知名建築師藤本壯介( Sou Fujimoto Architects )最新旅館之作,也是 Not A Hotel 最新的第 6 間旅宿據點。以「可以當飯店運用的住宅」為品牌經營概念的 Not A Hotel,其營運模式是指在屋主出差或旅行時,房子可做為飯店供他人住宿,並且屋主只要使用手機 APP,就能完成住宅飯店的開放設定,而飯店的各項維護和運作則由 Not A Hotel 負責。了解更多 |
" Not A Hotel Ishigaki " on Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, is the latest project by renowned Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto of Sou Fujimoto Architects. It's the 6th addition to the Not A Hotel brand. Not A Hotel operates on the concept of " homes that can be used as hotels," allowing homeowners to offer their houses as accommodations when they are away. Homeowners can use a mobile app to open their homes to guests, with Not A Hotel handling all maintenance and operations. more |
獲得 2023 年亞洲 50 最佳餐廳( Asia's 50 Best Restaurants )「標誌人物獎( Icon Award–Asia 2023 )」的日本名廚生江史伸( Shinobu Namae ),不僅一直以來都熱衷於建構尊重自然和食材的飲食文化,並且積極倡導續飲食理念。熱愛潛水的他,也持續投入日本沿岸海洋生態系統的研究,並與世界自然基金會日本分會合作,尋求制止非法與無管制捕魚的解決方案。 了解更多 |
Shinobu Namae, the recipient of Asia's 50 Best Restaurants 2023 " Icon Award–Asia," is a Japanese chef renowned for his dedication to a dining culture that respects nature and ingredients. He is also actively involved in researching Japan's coastal marine ecosystems and collaborating with the World Wide Fund for Nature Japan to address illegal and unregulated fishing practices. more |
目前在央行與政府努力下,危機暫時告一段落,但全球最大對沖基金橋水 ( Bridgewater ) 創辦人 Ray Dalio 卻示警,銀行倒閉是「煤礦坑中的金絲雀」。由於金絲雀對有毒氣體極為敏感,故早期礦工會帶金絲雀至礦坑偵測天然氣是否外洩,藉此可提早撤出以保全性命。在央行升息大趨勢下,銀行倒閉如前奏曲,未來可能引發多米諾骨牌效應 ( Domino Effect ) ! 了解更多 |
Currently, with the efforts of the central bank and the government, the banking crisis has temporarily subsided. However, Ray Dalio, the founder of the world's largest hedge fund, Bridgewater, has issued a warning, likening bank failures to " canaries in the coal mine." Since canaries are highly sensitive to toxic gasses, early miners used to bring canaries into the mine to detect the presence of natural gas leaks, allowing them to evacuate early to save their lives. In the context of the central bank's trend of raising interest rates, bank failures could be seen as a prelude, potentially triggering a " Domino Effect " in the future! more |
2023 Q3 房產市場概要
2023 年 7 月景氣對策信號綜合判斷分數為 15 分,較上月增加 2 分,燈號續呈藍燈;景氣領先指標跌幅縮小,同時指標持續回升,顯示國內景氣雖仍處低緩狀態,但已出現落底跡象。 了解更多 |
2023 Q3 Property Market Overview
In July 2023, the comprehensive assessment score for the economic policy signal is at 15 points, which is an increase of 2 points compared to the previous month. The signal remains blue. The leading economic indicators show a reduced decline, with the indicators continuing to rebound. This indicates that while domestic economic conditions are still sluggish, there are signs of a bottoming out. more |
覃筱瑩 Alison
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京城天贊森林樹海尊榮豪邸 B
鄰近高雄凹子底森林公園,自然生態、綠意盎然。36 層鋼骨豪宅,坐南朝北。步行 5 分鐘至捷運站與輕軌站。 |
King Park
The 36-story mansion is close to the Aozihdi Forest Park in Kaohsiung. Walking distance to MRT and light rail station. |
張國斌 Mike
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仁愛林蔭大道上,普立茲克獎丹下健三精心設計規劃傳世之作,完善公共設施與豪華俱樂部會館,五星級管家服務。 |
The Palace
Designed by Pritzker Award-winning Kenzo Tange, The Palace also offers five-star concierge services and luxurious amenities. |
劉恆碩 Jason
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在層峰山頂,尊享居高臨下的生活。庭園造景、泳池、6 米車道,這片風水寶地,靠山面水,圓形景觀建築,為您的生活帶來極致寧靜與繁華。 |
Yangmingshan Garden Villa
With landscaped gardens, a swimming pool, this feng shui gem, along with its circular architectural design, brings ultimate serenity to your life. |
日本京都四季酒店住宅圍繞著一個擁有 800 年歷史的池庭花園而建,與私密且現代的環境完美的融合在一起,可供您體驗京都歷史悠久的東山區的生活精髓。
這間豪華的住宅套房為那些尋求靈活性和私密性的業主提供了完美的休憩之所。最大限度地發揮日本傳統藝術 Kutsurogi、房間內部包括私人廚房等便利的配套設施。了解更多 |
Four Seasons Hotel And Hotel Residences Kyoto
Built around an 800-year old ikeniwa garden pond, the intimate and contemporary surroundings of Four Seasons Kyoto blend seamlessly together to capture the essence of life in the historic Higashiyama area of Kyoto.
This luxury Residential Suites provide the perfect retreat for those seeking flexibility and privacy with all the trappings of home. Designed to maximize Kutsurogi, the Japanese art of relaxation, private kitchens and amenities make for easy entertaining. more |
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