

美國德州達拉斯 Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty 總裁兼首席執行官 Russ Anderson 表示:「今年圍繞政治的討論激增,兩極化現象非常嚴重。但是,當涉及到房地產時,人們更關注的是利率而不是政治。」

今年全球迎來前所未有的國家選舉浪潮。根據路透社和《經濟學人》的報導,全球約有超過四十億的投票人口,分佈於近 80 個國家,這些國家合計佔全球 GDP 的 60% 以上,《時代》雜誌將其稱為「關鍵選舉年」。

最受關注的選舉是美國的總統選舉,作為全球最大的經濟體和第三大人口國家,美國將於 2024 年 11 月選出下一任總統。民主黨與共和黨在房地產政策上立場鮮明對立。民主黨致力於通過稅收抵免和頭期款援助等措施改善住房負擔能力;而共和黨則聚焦於通過親商、低稅和低監管政策促進經濟增長。

「2024 年的美國總統選舉對全球投資者和金融分析師來說是個關鍵時刻 – 其影響可能涉及從經濟政策到特定市場,選舉結果可能會塑造全球經濟的未來。」巴西聖保羅 Bossa Nova Sotheby’s International Realty 公司的總監 Renata Victorino 表示。儘管 2024 年 10 月巴西將舉行市政選舉,選出超過 5,000 個城市和城鎮的領導人,Victorino 和她在南美洲的同事仍密切關注美國的動態。

同時,在其他地區,人口大國印度已於 2024 年 4 月開始為期六週的大選過程,而歐盟 27 個成員國的議會選舉則於 2024 年 6 月舉行。

這些事件可能對未來幾年的房地產市場產生重大影響。選舉結果已經在 2024 年上半年舉行選舉的國家顯現,而尚未進行投票的國家則預期會感受到政治格局變化的影響。

文章節錄自 蘇富比國際房地產 Luxury Outlook

More than half of the world’s population will vote in national elections this year, so how will political change affect real estate markets?

“ There’s a lot more conversation about politics this year, and a lot of polarization. But, when it comes to real estate, people are more focused on interest rates than politics. "

Russ Anderson, president and chief executive officer, Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty in Dallas, Texas

This year marks an unprecedented wave of national elections across the globe. According to Reuters and The Economist, about half of the world’s voting-age population – over four billion people spanning nearly 80 countries that collectively account for more than 60% of global GDP – will be eligible to cast their ballots in what Time magazine has dubbed “the ultimate election year.”

The most closely watched election is in the U.S., the world’s largest economy and third-largest nation by population, which will elect its next president in November 2024. The Democratic and Republican party platforms’ approaches to real estate are starkly different. Democrats are looking to improve housing affordability through initiatives such as tax credits and down-payment assistance, while Republicans aim to stimulate economic growth through pro-business, low-tax, low-regulation policies.

“ The U.S. 2024 presidential election represents a critical moment for investors and financial analysts around the world – with the potential to have an impact on several areas, from economic policies to specific markets, the outcome could shape the global economic future,” says Renata Victorino, director, Bossa Nova Sotheby’s International Realty in São Paulo, Brazil. Victorino and her colleagues in South America are keeping a keen eye on what is happening in the U.S., even as municipal elections take place in Brazil in October 2024 to decide the leaders in more than 5,000 cities and towns across the country.

Meanwhile, in other areas of the world, India – the largest nation by population — started its massive six-week election process in April 2024 and voting for the parliament of the 27-member European Union took place in June 2024.

These events could have a dramatic effect on real estate markets for years to come, with the outcomes already playing out in countries that held elections in the first half of 2024, and the anticipation of changes in the political landscape felt in countries that have yet to hit the polls.

Source: Sotheby's International Realty.