
許多人或許從未考慮過以拍賣方式出售其豪華房地產,他們甚至不知道有這樣的選擇,或以為房地產拍賣通常是出於財務困境的無奈。然而,令人驚訝的是,2023 年蘇富比拍賣售出的前十名豪宅的平均價格高達 1,820 萬美元 ( 約 5.46 億台幣 ),而前一年的平均價格則為 2,030 萬美元 ( 約 6.09 億台幣 )。

蘇富比拍賣的聯合創辦人兼執行長查德.羅弗斯說道:「這是一種有效實現房產市場價值的絕佳方法」。以紐約 - 漢普頓 La Dune 房產為例,這筆物件在 2024 年 3 月拍賣中成交價高達 8,848 萬美元(約新台幣 26.54 億元),曾經是漢普頓地區最貴的掛牌房產之一。La Dune 是第一個與藝術品同步進行現場拍賣的房產,吸引了來自紐約、康乃狄克州、喬治亞州以及加勒比地區的多位買家現場及電話激烈競標。最終,一位來自紐約的買家以超過初始出價兩倍的價格成功購得這座房產。 蘇富比國際房地產總裁兼首席執行官菲利普 ‧ 懷特表示:「與蘇富比禮賓拍賣的合作為客戶帶來了極大的好處。由於豪宅買家數量有限,對於想要快速出售的賣家,拍賣能在五週內促成全球交易,精準鎖定有購買能力的買家,並確保達到公平的市場價值。」 豪宅買家數量少,因此這些房產可能需要更長的時間才能售出。蘇富比拍賣在 2023 年發佈的豪宅指數也提到:「根據我們的經驗,如果房子在上市後 90 天內未能售出,可能會需要更長時間,有時甚至可能長達三年。」

在拍賣過程中,蘇富比拍賣通常會在 35 天內收到約 500 條詢問。經過篩選,另以 25 到 50 次現場參觀後,每個拍品通常會有五到七位競標者。



例如,一位買家最初並未打算購買海濱別墅,但參與了紐約州度假區 Hamptons 的房產競標。蘇富比拍賣近期還在科羅拉多州的滑雪勝地 Vail 成交了一處價值 2,000 萬美元的房產,該買家也在德州以 350 萬美元購買了另一套房子。令人驚訝的是,10 位競標者中有 3 位甚至可能從未親自看過他們競標的房產,而是派代表前往,直到搬入當天才首次踏入房內。

雖然大部分拍賣都是在線上進行,但蘇富比拍賣也在紐約、倫敦和香港的總部舉辦現場拍賣,現場氣氛非常激動人心。蘇富比拍賣的羅弗斯回憶說:「我記得有一位競標者整個過程中都舉著槌子,一開始就全力以赴,直到贏得拍賣才停下來。」 他強調,蘇富比拍賣適合各類賣家,並建議:「我會告訴賣家越早使用我們的服務越好。如果房產在 90 天內未售出,最好及早讓我們介入。」

文章節錄自 蘇富比國際房地產 Luxury Outlook

Some have probably never considered the possibility of selling their luxury real estate at auction. They may not even be aware that such an option exists, and could even be forgiven for thinking a property auction is not something one chooses but is forced to turn to following financial hardship. They would probably be surprised to learn that the average price for the top 10 properties sold through Sotheby’s Concierge Auctions in 2023 was US$18.2 million. The year before it was US$20.3 million.

“It’s a great way to arrive at market value,” says Chad Roffers, co-founder and chief executive officer, Sotheby’s Concierge Auctions. A case in point is the Southampton, New York property La Dune, which sold at auction for US$88.48 million in March 2024. The historic estate on Gin Lane was once the most expensive listing in the Hamptons.

The first property to be sold live alongside art at Sotheby’s, La Dune received bids from seven individuals based in New York, Connecticut, Georgia, and the Caribbean, competing in the room and via telephone. A single buyer, based in New York, eventually secured the full property for more than twice his opening bid.

“Our partnership with Sotheby’s Concierge Auctions is a great benefit for our clients,” says Philip A. White Jr., president and chief executive officer, Sotheby’s International Realty. “The buyer pool for luxury properties is small, so for sellers who want to move quickly, the auction route allows them to sell a property—anywhere in the world—in just five weeks. Using this approach, we can target buyers who have the means and interest in luxury properties, enabling them to achieve fair market value.”

Indeed, one of the key takeaways from the Sotheby’s Concierge Auctions’ Luxury Home Index, last published in 2023, is that buyers looking for luxury properties are a select few, which means these homes can take longer to sell. “In our experience, if you don’t sell your property within 90 days of it coming on the market, it’s probably going to take you much longer,” says Roffers, adding that in some cases that can mean as long as three years.

As part of the auction process, over a period of 35 days, Sotheby’s Concierge Auctions usually fields nearly 500 inquiries per home listed for auction. This number is quickly winnowed down, and after 25-50 in-person visits to the property, each lot ends up with five to seven bidders, on average.

According to Frank Aazami, real estate associate, Russ Lyon Sotheby’s International Realty in Arizona, the Sotheby’s Concierge Auctions platform “expands the buyer pool for our sellers,” and that when it comes to managing a diverse portfolio of luxury properties around the world, “expediency is crucial.” Aazami adds that the auction format “allows us to move through the process efficiently.” In September 2024, his firm is collaborating with Sotheby’s Concierge Auctions to offer a significant guard-gated residence in the exclusive Saguaro Forest Community of Desert Mountain, in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Luxury homes also tend to have less quantifiable features, such as bespoke architecture or customized amenities. “These are unique assets, but they can be difficult to price,” Roffers says, “and you’re looking for a very specific kind of buyer who doesn’t always come along at the same time you are selling.”

He adds that many buyers are shopping for a third or even fourth home, which means geography and the type of home ranks behind their first priority, which Roffers describes as “lifestyle.” Sotheby’s Concierge Auctions bidders can browse its properties and mentally picture the lifestyle they might pursue there.

“Maybe they want to spend time in a warm place on the beach, or maybe they want to buy in a city with all the attendant museums and culture. They are constantly on the lookout for unique situations,” Roffers says. “We auction exceptional properties in interesting communities. Moreover, buyers get the opportunity to pay a truly market-driven price.”

This could mean that a person bidding on a Hamptons compound might not have even been shopping for a beach house when they checked out Sotheby’s Concierge Auctions. “We just sold a property in the ski resort of Vail for US$20 million,” says Roffers. “The buyer also spent US$3.5 million with us on a house in Texas.” Roffers estimates that three out of 10 bidders have not seen the property they are bidding on. They might have sent a representative to examine it before the auction but have not necessarily stepped through the front door until move-in day.

Most of the company’s auctions take place online, but there have also been live components at the headquarters of Sotheby’s auction house in New York, London, and Hong Kong, which is exciting to witness. “I remember one person was there in the room and she had her paddle raised the whole time,” Roffers says. “She was on the gas out of the gate and didn’t stop until she won.”

Roffers emphasizes that Sotheby’s Concierge Auctions is a good choice for a broad range of sellers. “The main thing I’d tell sellers is the sooner they decide to use us the better,” he says. “If the property hasn’t sold within 90 days, that’s the best time to get us involved.”

Source: Sotheby's International Realty.