藝術與建築的深厚聯繫可以追溯至文明的起源,從雅典「帕德嫩神廟」的精美雕塑到米開朗基羅「西斯汀教堂」的天頂壁畫,無不展現了藝術和建築的完美結合。如今,這一層關係在高端豪宅物業中依然閃耀著獨特魅力。無論是紐約市公園大道 ( Park Avenue ) 豪華公寓的藝術品,或是法國蔚藍海岸 ( French Riviera ) 豪邸的畫作,重要的藝術作品不僅象徵著品味和風格,還能提升房產的價值感知,為豪宅注入不可或缺的藝術靈魂。
「高端藝術與豪宅地產的融合」是成功銷售頂級物業的關鍵。Gibson Sotheby’s International Realty 執行副總裁 Michael Carucci 指出,價值 1,000 萬美元或以上的房產屋主通常都是藝術收藏家。這種結合不僅展現屋主的美學追求,也為房地產注入了獨特的文化價值。
在購買房地產時,人們常說地段為王;而在藝術市場,真正驅動市場的是藝術家。蘇富比拍賣於 2023 年 3 月及 12 月發布的《 Sotheby’s Insight Report 》中,列出了 50 位最具投資價值的藝術家。雖然無法完全預測未來市場走勢,但過去五年的數據顯示,這些藝術家的作品是市場上最受追捧的,並且最有可能持續維持或提升需求。這 50 位藝術家皆誕生於 19 或 20 世紀。
藝術市場如同一座金字塔,底層聚集著數萬名價格親民但未必具有增值潛力的藝術家。而金字塔的頂端則高度精選:過去五年間,全球拍賣市場中,僅不到 900 位藝術家的作品成交價超過 100 萬美元,而其中五位藝術家就佔據了同期市場總額的三分之一。他們分別是巴勃羅.畢卡索 ( Pablo Picasso )、克勞德.莫內 ( Claude Monet )、安迪.沃荷 ( Andy Warhol )、尚 – 米榭.巴斯奇亞 ( Jean-Michel Basquiat ) 以及葛哈.李希特 ( Gerhard Richter )。這五位大師的作品持續引領市場潮流,並展現出長期穩定的價值。其中,前四位藝術家的部分作品更是在拍賣場上屢創紀錄,突破 1 億美元的天價,鞏固了他們在藝術市場中的頂尖地位。
隨著博物館和拍賣市場重新關注女性藝術家,她們的地位逐漸上升。瓊.米切爾 ( Joan Mitchell ) 是首位拍賣成交價突破 1,000 萬美元的女性藝術家。此外,草間彌生 ( Yayoi Kusama )、塞西莉.布朗 ( Cecily Brown ) 和海倫.佛蘭肯瑟勒 ( Helen Frankenthaler ) 也擠身藝術市場的前列。然而,女性藝術家在市場中的地位仍在持續進步中。
波士頓的豪宅 One Dalton Four Seasons Private Residences 委託藝術家 Giovanni Decunto 創作一系列繪畫作品,藝術與設計的完美融合提升了住宅的獨特價值。
新世代藝術家引領高端藝術市場增長,指 1977 年或之後出生的創作者。羅馬尼亞藝術家阿德里安.傑尼 ( Adrian Ghenie ) 與早逝的加拿大藝術家王俊傑 ( Matthew Wong ) (享年 35 歲) 成功進入總銷售額前 50 名。此外,34 歲的英國藝術家洛拉.尤科諾維奇 ( Flora Yukhnovich ) 與 41 歲的奈及利亞藝術家 Njideka Akunyili Crosby,因市場需求旺盛,作品價格持續上漲,為藝術市場注入蓬勃活力。
中國藝術家趙無極、張大千 (被譽為東方的畢卡索)、常玉與劉野的作品在全球藝術市場中價值可觀,但其影響力目前主要集中於中國本土買家。隨著其藝術深度與質量逐漸被國際市場認識,未來需求上升只是時間問題。
相比之下,日本藝術家草間彌生與奈良美智早已擁有國際追隨者,尤其是草間彌生。她的標誌性風格不僅廣受歡迎,更成為路易威登 ( Louis Vuitton ) 國際廣告活動的核心元素,進一步推升了其全球知名度。
蘇富比國際房地產 Luxury Outlook |
The relationship between high art and noteworthy buildings is as old as civilization itself:think of the celebrated sculptures that once adorned the exterior of the Parthenon in Athens, or Michelangelo’s magnificent ceiling frescoes for the Sistine Chapel in Rome. And when it comes to residential properties, nothing enhances an extraordinary home like a carefully crafted art collection. Virtually every cover story in Architectural Digest illustrates this point:important paintings hanging on the walls of a Park Avenue apartment or a French Riviera mansion signify beauty, taste, and style, elevating the perceived value of a home.
We continue to see the marriage of art and real estate in today’s homes. Michael Carucci, executive vice president, Gibson Sotheby’s International Realty in Boston, Massachusetts, credits “the fusion of fine art and luxury real estate” as central to his success in selling some of the most valuable properties in New England. “It is very typical for owners of homes worth US$10 million and higher to be collectors,” Carucci says.
When buying real estate, the old maxim is that location is everything. For art, it is artists who power the market, and the most recent Sotheby’s Insight Report, published by the auction house in March and December 2023, identifies the 50 most bankable. While it is impossible to predict the future of the market with certainty, works by these artists have proven to be the most coveted over the past five years, and thus the most likely to maintain or increase in demand. All artists included in the top 50 today were born in the 19th and 20th centuries. Here are a few key takeaways for those considering investing in the high end of the art market.
The Five:Picasso, Monet, Warhol, Basquiat, and Richter
The art market is a pyramid, with tens of thousands of artists at the base whose prices are extremely affordable but aren’t likely to increase in value. The top end is much more selective:fewer than 900 artists have sold works at auction for more than US$1 million over the past five years, and just five account for a third of the total market during this period. Pablo Picasso, Claude Monet, Andy Warhol, Jean-Michel Basquiat, and Gerhard Richter never go out of style. The first four are among the few whose individual works have surpassed US$100 million at auction.
Women ascendant
For most of recorded history, women were prohibited from becoming artists, and the few who overcame these restrictions were either ignored or relegated to second-class status, with little institutional support. As a result, they are underrepresented in museum collections, and were rarely the subject of career-making exhibitions. That is starting to change, as major museums focus more curatorial attention on female artists from all periods and the auction market realizes their potential. Leading the pack is the Abstract Expressionist Joan Mitchell, the first woman to break the US$10 million barrier at auction. She ranks at 17 in the top 50 by total sales, followed by Yayoi Kusama at 19, British painter Cecily Brown at 39, and Helen Frankenthaler at 47. Women have made tremendous gains in the market, but with just five represented in the top 50, there is still a long way to go.
Michael Carucci commissioned Boston artist Giovanni Decunto to create paintings for this One Dalton Four Seasons Private Residences apartment.
Gibson Sotheby’s International Realty
A new generation
The fastest-growing segment at the upper end of the fine-art market is dominated by young artists, which the report defines as those born in 1977 or later. Romanian artist Adrian Ghenie and Canadian Matthew Wong, who died at age 35 in 2019, both made it into the top 50, but several up-and-coming artists, notably 34-year-old British Flora Yukhnovich and 41-year-old Nigerian Njideka Akunyili Crosby, have injected excitement into the market, with rising prices resulting from the surge in demand.
Asian opportunities
Works by several Chinese painters, including Zao Wou-Ki, Zhang Daqian( a protean figure who is often compared to Picasso ), Sanyu, and Liu Ye, are among the most valuable in the world, but these artists are little known outside of their home country and their markets have generally been limited to buyers within China. Given the depth and quality of their work, it seems only a matter of time before the rest of the collecting world catches up. By contrast, Japanese artists Yayoi Kusama and Yoshitomo Nara have international followings:in fact, Kusama’s star keeps rising, perhaps because her recognizable art has become central to Louis Vuitton’s international advertising campaigns.
As with real estate, the fine art market experiences ups and downs. Education is key to understanding the market, and there are now more resources than ever before to judge its value. But regardless of its investment potential, great art has an uncanny ability to elevate a home — and add immeasurable pleasure to the lives of its occupants.
Source: Sotheby's International Realty. |