Z 世代置產攻略:不盲從、不妥協,只要最具個性化的奢華體驗
近年來,一代新人逐漸踏入了房地產市場:Z 世代,即 1997 年至 2012 年間出生的人群。隨著這些年輕購房者的崛起,一系列與眾不同的房產趨勢也隨之浮現,鮮明地凸顯出他們與其他世代的差異。他們的生活軌跡深受全球性事件的影響,如新冠疫情以及數位時代的蓬勃發展,而這些因素也在無形中塑造了他們對理想居所的獨特需求。

建築、設計和藝術平臺 STIR 的策展總監 Samta Nadeem 提到 :「我認為 Z 世代最顯著的特徵是不願隨波逐流,他們的家居設計往往極具個性,從完全採用天然材料並使用有機染料塗裝的環保住宅,到配備高度智慧化系統、能夠感知住戶情緒的科技住宅,風格各異卻獨具匠心。」

在佛羅里達州邁阿密海灘,蘇富比國際房地產正代理一件全新問世的濱水豪宅,內裝滿載尖端科技,足以讓任何 Z 世代的住戶心滿意足。「房屋內各個角落均配備了數位控制面板,可以控制全屋的功能,包括空調、窗簾、音樂、燈光和安全防護監控系統,」該物業的經紀人 Albert Justo 表示。「此外,房屋還可以通過手機進行全面操控,每間房都設有 iPad 充電座。整個住宅的一切皆可一鍵掌控,盡顯奢華與便捷。」

鑒於疫情的影響,許多人如今選擇在家辦公,這使得舒適的居住環境顯得尤為重要。「擁有舒適的私人空間、專門的辦公室或工作區,以及供人放鬆身心的戶外區域,今日已經成為必備條件。」 Justo 補充道。

Z 世代對社群媒體的敏銳度亦是不可忽視的,他們在尋找新居時,往往會青睞那些能夠成為完美內容背景的房產。「三年前,我還是一名燈光設計師時,一位年輕客戶曾特別要求我設計出一種『無論在家中哪個角落都能拍出〔完美自拍〕的燈光效果』」 Nadeem 回憶道。 Justo 也強調了視覺衝擊力的重要性:「 5785 Pine Tree Drive 正是這樣的理想之選,擁有多個奢華露臺,華麗的高玻璃螺旋樓梯,以及彷彿漂浮在水面上的開放式中庭,極致奢華無處不在。」

另外在倫敦騎士橋區,也有一座別具風格的聯排別墅充分迎合了 Z 世代對於個性化生活的熱情追求,將自我照護與極致娛樂巧妙融合。地下室宛如一座私人健康殿堂,設有頂級健身房、水療中心與蒸汽浴室,為身心放鬆提供了絕佳場所。而另一層,則是一片沉浸式體驗天地:影院燈光漸暗,螢幕點亮,沉浸感十足的觀影空間,緊鄰著一座可瞬間變為舞池的室內泳池。此時,懸掛的迪斯可球閃耀生輝,仿佛召喚一場專屬派對,年輕的精英們在此盡享無盡歡樂與無限可能。

對於 Z 世代的許多買家而言,房屋不必迎合兒童的需求,而是要迎合他們自己對極致生活的追求。「基於 Z 世代所處的人生階段,他們的空間尚無需為了永久性容納他人而進行縮減或擴展,」 Nadeem 解釋。「能夠激發感官的設計,才是 Z 世代理想居所的關鍵。無論是通過藝術、科技、照明、香氛,還是材質質感,亦或是空間如何在身體與精神層面賦予他們自由,這些都在建築量體之內精心雕琢。」。

文章節錄自 蘇富比國際房地產 Luxury Outlook

This young generation looks for spectacular properties that fit their digitally native lives, writes Aimee Dawson.

A new generation has entered the property market in recent years:Gen Z, those born between 1997 and 2012. As these young people have begun buying homes, certain property trends have emerged that mark out their generation from the rest. Their lives have been shaped by global phenomena such as the pandemic and the expansion of the digital age, and these have influenced what they look for in a home.

“ I think the most defining feature for Gen Z is the defiance to conform, ” says Samta Nadeem, the curatorial director at architecture, design and art platform STIR. “ Their homes tend to be radical and could sit on either ends of the spectrum — from a house that is only made of natural materials and painted in organic dyes to a tech-heavy home that senses your mood. ”

In Miami Beach, Florida, 5785 Pine Tree Drive ​​— which is currently being offered by ONE Sotheby’s International Realty — is a new waterfront property that is full to the brim with the kind of tech sure to satisfy any Gen Z resident. “ There are digital panels strategically placed throughout the house to control the whole home, including the air conditioning, shades, music, lights, and the security cameras, ” says Albert Justo, the agent for the property. “ It can also be controlled using a phone and there are iPad docking stations in every room. Everything can be managed at the touch of a button. ”

Such elements are also important given that many people today are working from home, since the pandemic. “ It’s important to have comfortable spaces, designated offices or work areas, as well as spaces outside to go and relax in between, ” says Justo.

Gen Z is also incredibly social-media savvy and young buyers often look for homes that are the ideal setting for their content. “ Three years ago when I was working as a lighting designer, I received a brief from a young client to' do the lighting in a way that I can take a great selfie anywhere' , " says Nadeem. Justo also stresses the importance of wow-factor backdrops: “ That’s exactly what 5785 Pine Tree Drive​​ has, with multiple terraces; an elaborate 30 foot-tall, glass circular staircase in the lobby; and an open-atrium entry that looks like you’re walking on water. ”

Wow-factor of a very different style can also be found in a Knightsbridge townhouse, London, offered by United Kingdom Sotheby’s International Realty. It has two floors dedicated to important aspects of Gen Z lifestyles:self-care and entertainment. The basement houses a gym, spa and steam room, while the lower-ground floor has an immersive cinema room and an indoor swimming pool that transforms into a dance floor-complete with party-ready disco balls hanging above.

For many of these buyers, homes don’t need to be kid-friendly-just big kid-friendly. “ Given the stage of life that Gen Z is at, their spaces don’t yet have to shrink or expand to accommodate others permanently, ” says Nadeem. “ Stimulants are what make a home perfect for a Gen Z resident. It could be through art, technology, lighting, fragrance, textures or just how the space allows them to be, physically and mentally:the freedom carved within those walls. ”

Source: Sotheby's International Realty.